Monday 25 April 2011

Houses that are transformers....

When security becomes cool... 

You ever wonder if your family is safe from robbers or bad people that target you just because yoiu were home. Think about all the movies we have seen and all the different versions of the same story where someone breaks in and the rest is history. Well wouldn't it be nice to know with certainty that our particular family was protected and cared fdor and that honestly we would have nothing to worry about. Dream you say, fantasy I think not. Here is a house that completely shuts down and turns itself into a fortress, no one can get in but the people you allow.. Trust me.. 

Look at the pictures below. I think closed it looks ugly, boxy, and like a concrete block but open it looks like a beautiful, modern, contemporary hopme with beautiful design and architecture. And of course when closed safe is an understatement

Safe House: The Brilliant ‘Transformer’ House That Can Become a Fort

If you have always been a fan of open house layouts and the security issue was the only thing holding you back have a look at this concept from architects KWK Promes. With the mere press of a button the open architecture transforms the house into an impenetrable concrete cube designed keep its inhabitants safe. When shifted to the more ‘vulnerable’ mode, the walls slide open, shutters rise up, the draw bridge lowers giving access to the indoor pool and the gates open to give beautiful garden views. The 6100 ft ‘Safe House’ (as it is called) also has a safety zone surrounded by concrete walls where users would be screened first before being let inside. Take a look:

Does this give you the best of both worlds? What do you think?

Absolutely amazing in every way shape and form... leaves one breathless and wondering in awe...

AG Home Goods

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