Sunday 3 April 2011

Practicum--Week #10

APRIL 2, 2011-- With less than 5 seconds left in the game, it looks imminent that UConn will defeat UK causing the energy level in Hilligan's of Bowling Green to plummet. Roger McIntosh (left), 22, of Winchester, Ky., takes a drag of his cigarette as Emma Adkins (right), 21, of Villa Hills, Ky., looks away. "I'm upset that UK lost, but I'm glad they got to the final four," Adkins said after the game ended.

APRIL 3, 2011-- Spending the afternoon at H.P. Thomas Park, Zach Ditmore, 10, of Bowling Green, flies his airplane kite. Ditmore's been flying kites for almost a year, since he got his red airplane kite last Easter from "The Easter Bunny".

The highlight of my week was by far the Uconn/UK game on Saturday night. Being from Connecticut I had a moral obligation to root for my home team. It was interesting watching the game with a majority of die-hard UK fans, and I have to say that it was very hard to hold back my giddiness at the end of the game when UConn WON! But the UK loss did make it harder to shoot... oh well. It was worth it. Go Huskies! Boom!

You might also notice that my update this week is pretty slim. That's because I spent the majority of my week and weekend shooting for my upcoming sports portfolio due on April 11th. So that update's coming SOON!

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