Wednesday 13 April 2011

Lady Gaga Concert.... BankAtlantic Center, Ft Lauderdale

Lady Gaga Concert is a big Hit at the
BankAtlantic Center in Ft Lauderdale, Florida

So last night I went to the Lady Gaga concert at the BankAtlantic center in Ft Lauderdale. It was the most amazing spectacular event or concert I have ever been to. She was fantastic, but of course we all knew she would be. What made the event so spectacular was her emotion and her heartfelt causes she mentioned throughout the concert,  her continued support for HIV and HIV research, and her devout support for run away kids.. Of course let us not forget the theme of the Monster Ball, as it was called. Its Born this way. She praised continuously the people in the adience that were over weight, not as pretty, or not vocally talented and kept saying tonight your special, because we were born this way. All for a really good night that saw strong emotion on her part and on the part of the sell out packed crowd that was the BankAtlantic Center in Ft Lauderdale, which overwhelmed her when she first came out.

She is indeed a world class entertainer that not only put on a great spectacular concert unseen by me since Madonna, and honesty she outdid Madonna in many ways last night. You could feel her emotion and enjoyed every minute of this amazing two hour concert which was opened by another group that did a great job of introducing her and getting the audience pumped up.

Enjoy these great pics of the concert and follow my links below for some great videos on You Tube. 

The sold out crowd at the BankAtlantic Center

More Crowd Pictures

Right after the song Alejandro

The BankAtlantic Center before the concert

As I said simply an amazing concert from an amazing performer who put her heart and soul into this event, which is probably why the turnout, energy, and feel of this event was so spectacular... It just felt right.. I took my niece to the concert and she had the most amazing time.. which made me happy..

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